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About me

Q: Who are you, Gianluca Russo ? How did you become a teacher?

A: I am an Italian living in Brussels. I was born in Sicily (Catania) and started playing the piano at the age of 14. My uncle was my first teacher. He quickly detected that I had a natural ability for it, so he insisted for my parents to enrol me at the local music academy. Throughout my university years, I gave piano lessons and worked as an entertainer to pay for my studies. I also started acting in an Italian theatre troop.

In January 2001, I've had the chance, through a project organised by the "Department Of Juvenile Services" of my city,  to teach English to deprived children between the ages of 4 and 11. This project, which was supposed to only last 6 months, had such a huge success, that it was renewed each year over the next 4 years.

After graduating from university (Master’s degree in Modern Languages and Literature) I got involved with a language school called "Lingue & Coffee", in Catania, where I taught English and Spanish and led theatrical workshops. It was then that I started experimenting with the idea of teaching languages through acting, then mixing music and language learning. After one year I had the opportunity to become Artistic Director. I held that position for 4 years.

My subsequent experience as a teacher includes working for Vocational Training Authorities and Public Secondary Schools.

In conclusion, teaching is not something you can "improvise". I consider it as A MISSION and it requires passion, dedication and hard work. All the devotion I put into this job is amply repaid by the satisfaction I get from seeing my students developing their potential and the thriving environment that only a school can offer.


Q: How did you become passionate for languages (Italian, English, French and Spanish)?

A: As part of my thesis on Basque Politics, I spent a year in Spain. As you know, for an Italian, Spanish is easy to pick up! In addition, my studies focussed on English and Spanish literature, which required a high level of skill in both languages. Since then I have travelled and cultivated friendships with expats from all over the world. That is how I obtained an excellent level of English and Spanish.

As for the French language, it was only natural for me to learn it, after moving to Belgium and living there for many years.


Q: What experience do you have of working with children?

A: Besides teaching piano and staging theatrical shows for "Lingue & Coffee", I worked as an entertainer for many years. The kids were particularly fond of my balloon sculptures and my impressions of cartoon characters! I love working with children of all backgrounds. I used to work as a Summer Educator for orphans in an underprivileged area of Catania, which was extremely enriching.


Q: What is your philosophy? Why such a passion for music?

A: Not only does music provide you with the freedom to create and express yourself, it is the answer to many of life's mysteries. Allow me to demonstrate:

                                            "To be or not to be?" - Shakespeare.

                                            "To do is to be." - Sartre.

                                            "To be is to do." - Nietsche.

                                            "Dobedobedo." - Sinatra. 

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